Will Cloud Computing ever rule the world?

Technological advancements have set the world on fire. There is no second opinion as to how it has changed our lives.

The question is:

  • What comes next?
  • Is there more?
  • How will it affect our lives?

Well, to answer a few, artificial intelligence has already replaced human intelligence and is in the process of making its way into our lives. Cloud Computing and Artificial Intelligence are the next huge advancements that are heading towards us. So, the real question arises, will cloud computing rule the world?

What is cloud computing:

Firstly, we need to know what cloud computing is. Cloud computing is the on-demand, pay-as-you-go distribution of IT services online. Instead of purchasing, operating, and maintaining physical data centers and servers, you can rent computing power, storage, and databases from a cloud provider on an as-needed basis. These off-site systems are on the cloud instead of being stored on your computer. They can range from email servers to software programs, data storage, and even enhancing the computing capability of your device. In general terms, Cloud computing entails storing and accessing data and programs over the internet rather than on your computer's hard drive. It involves delivering hosted services through the internet. These services categorize into the following: platform as a service (PaaS), infrastructure as a service (IaaS), and software as a service (SaaS).

How has cloud computing integrated into our everyday lives:

It is safe to say that cloud computing has already found a way to make daily chores much simple and accessible. The advancements that were to take place in 3, 4 years are now integrated into our lives, thanks to COVID-19. Gone are the days when we needed to go to the library to access information.

Digital classrooms are the new trends. Students can now prepare and submit presentations online, attend classes remotely via web conferencing. They can collaborate and participate in internationally distributed projects in digitally equipped classrooms. Cloud has skyrocketed the pace of education and has continued to revolutionize the system during the pandemic. Not only this, but the cloud has continued to impact the health system as well. Previously with the hassle of maintaining patients' records physically on files, it was impossible to keep track of their medical records. Today, we store all data in secure cloud systems. It's a breeze to share and access information across all essential parties (medical professionals and insurance companies.

People fantasize about a futuristic world filled with robots, automated machines, and other futuristic concepts. The cloud will be the primary component in the creation of such a digital world. All automated technologies, artificial intelligence, and intelligent gadgets require the capacity to store and evaluate data on the cloud. Then they can take steps based on the information they've gathered, reducing the probability of a system failure. In the future, the cloud will help us manage technology from a virtual space. With the widespread adoption of cloud computing, it is not improbable that the world could soon be home to a slew of efficient cities with pinpoint accuracy.

How cloud computing benefits a business:

Today, many businesses are expanding their storage through the cloud. Many small and medium-scale businesses can store their data cost-effectively. As everyone is adapting to cloud computing, companies are learning what cloud combination suits best for them. It can include a variety of private (their cloud) and public cloud options (someone else's cloud, e.g., Microsoft Azure, Amazon AWS, etc.), as well as on-premises infrastructure. So if companies incorporate cloud computing in their expansion, it would mean companies may move faster on projects and try out concepts by using cloud services. It eliminates the need for protracted procurement and high upfront expenses.

What future does cloud computing hold:

It is not hard to predict that the cloud is the next big thing. Cloud providers will provide more data storage capacity at a lower price. As a result, companies will store large volumes of data on the cloud without worrying about any cyber-attacks as the cloud will provide proper security. Switching to cloud computing will not only help save setup costs for software but using the cloud won't require any human help.

Quantum computing will revolutionize the business market in ways that have never been there before. Companies such as IBM, Google, Microsoft, and Amazon Web Services are trying to acquire a competitive advantage over their competitors by embracing quantum technologies. Quantum computing will help scientists and developers perform calculations within a matter of seconds (if done on a supercomputer would take years to solve).

Cloud computing and IoT (Internet of things):

Cloud will also help developers use automation to eliminate the need for manual processes in their daily operations. The Internet plays a vital role in our everyday lives. Our lives come to a halt if it goes down even for an hour.

The concept of IoT (Internet of Things) is constantly expanding. It is only a matter of time before everything we use is connected to a pre-populated network of gadgets. Cloud computing can be used by IoT devices and provide high speed, better performance, customization, and storage space to keep data safe, find resources, and exchange information among several users. The server less paradigm is the next big thing in the world of waiting, and Amazon Web Services (AWS) has already started using it to its advantage. The server less paradigm refers to the ability of the cloud to run a code snippet with minimal effort on the part of the developers.

Cloud computing as an industry:

In a world where everything is digitized, Cloud Computing is becoming an industry of its own as it continues to expand. Companies that were likely a few years away from shifting at least part of their infrastructure to the cloud accelerated their timelines due to the fast growth and COVID halting physical interaction. Changes like these demonstrate how significant the cloud has become in the world. I think it is safe to say that the pandemic proved the value of cloud computing. Today, almost every key breakthrough such as block chain, robotics, artificial intelligence (AI), AR/VR, and the IoT(Internet of things) relies on cloud technologies. With companies adopting cloud technology, the cloud will determine the future of business. It'll be interesting to watch what the cloud brings in the next few years.